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Kuliah Subuh

Bismillah and Salam boys,
Just finished Fajr prayers at Assyafaah mosque and am now listening to the mini-sermon, if I can call it that. These are the excerpts.
Reciting al-Fatiha not accurately not following right tajweed makes solat invalid, imam nawawi. (Lahan: 2 types a) bad grammar b) change in meaning
As long as meaning not changed-solat is valid.
Eg: (1) Na an am tah - changed to Na an am ti(etc)
(2) rab bil al lamin - rab bal al lamin : no change in meaning just like poor arabic grammar
(3) wa lad dhooooor liiiiiin - wa lad zoooor liiiiin : mostly Pakistanis and Indian Muslims from India mispronounce this - solat not valid as meaning is changed
(4) if one cannot recite al-Fatiha especially a mualaf, just recite one of the 7 ayats of al-Fatiha - dzikir. One can even simply stand for the right duration for the recitation of al-Fatiha when solat and follow the sequential movements
(5) al-Fatiha cannot be recited in any other languages except for in Arabic
(6) jemaah prayers - if imam, after reciting al-Fatiha, did not recite the next verse before rukuk, no wrong done as that 2nd verse (surah) is sunnah
(7) solat jenazah - no need the 2nd verse as the solat supposed to be brief or ringkas
(8) according to imam nawawi, better to recite short surahs- correctly and clearly and in the right order of how these verses are arranged in the Quran. But if not in order, solat is still valid just not 'nice' or tertib. No need to give comment to the Ustadz. : )
(9) when imam reciting the 2nd surah in jemaah, makmum need not recite it except for dzuhur & asar prayers where one is to recite own surah.
(10) if as makmum and if you cannot hear the imam's surah as mic dropped, etc, recite any surah on your own but not loudly as to distract others
(11) surahs to read for Fajr & dzuhur prayers: preferably the longer ones
(12) asar & isyaq : medium
(13) magrhib: short
(14) as imam, one must also understand & emphatize his makmums' condition - even our prophet pbuh has made solat brief when a baby was crying for milk in his congregation
(15) solat to ask for rain: prophet pbuh carried this out during winter and spring seasons Not summer. Rain brings rahmat
(16) if reciting quickly, do not 'langgar tajweed' please respect the Quran.


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