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Showing posts from October, 2012

Kuliah Subuh - Siddiq - Honesty

Bismillah & Salaam boys, Just finished subuh orayers at assyafaah mosque. Buyer & Seller: if seller cheats, he will not get barakah from Allah swt. Raqamah - 'mengawasi' Allah sees all-when we arise from sleep, as we sujud in our solat, etc. Allah knows what's hidden in our hearts. Ihsan - to do Islamic duties or daily course of action knowing that Allah is all seeing and ever present.

Kuliah Subuh

Bismillah and Salam boys, Just finished Fajr prayers at Assyafaah mosque and am now listening to the mini-sermon, if I can call it that. These are the excerpts. Reciting al-Fatiha not accurately not following right tajweed makes solat invalid, imam nawawi. (Lahan: 2 types a) bad grammar b) change in meaning As long as meaning not changed-solat is valid. Eg: (1) Na an am tah - changed to Na an am ti(etc) (2) rab bil al lamin - rab bal al lamin : no change in meaning just like poor arabic grammar (3) wa lad dhooooor liiiiiin - wa lad zoooor liiiiin : mostly Pakistanis and Indian Muslims from India mispronounce this - solat not valid as meaning is changed (4) if one cannot recite al-Fatiha especially a mualaf, just recite one of the 7 ayats of al-Fatiha - dzikir. One can even simply stand for the right duration for the recitation of al-Fatiha when solat and follow the sequential movements (5) al-Fatiha cannot be recited in any other languages except for in Arabic (6) jemaah praye...

Be honest because it entails good

Bismillah and Salam boys, I'm at Assyafaah mosque listening to kuliah after Fajr prayers. The imam talked about one of the values that our prophet s.a.w is known for - honesty or siddiq. Honesty is the best policy and a pure heart is vital to ensure honesty. One advice for you boys - be honest at all times & there's no such thing as a white lie. I pray that our relationship between father and sons will continue to endure with the Hadith & Quran our guide, Islam in our souls, honesty our bond and jannah our goal. Insya'allah!

The courage to end it.

Bismillah & Salam boys, I found my love language.

iOS6 upgrade causes my blog draft to go MIA

Bismillah and salam boys, Okay, am in a bit of a hurry just gonna jot down some points: Positives am keeping to 5 obligatory prayers daily, alhamdullilah! Try as much as I can to salat fajr & isya' at the masjid eventually went to KL for Jonah Jones 10s - awesome trip and fantastic atmosphere started attending rugby training, wednesdays & fridays, at old PA - left knee strained though and cannot sujud completely attending religious talk on Thursdays : Purification of the Heart @ Darul Aqram, thanks to Uncle Rezuan, met new faces and befriended them- Uncle Asyraf, also a teacher. Started on a TRA diet plan to support your mum in her endeavours - 5 Love languages : Acts of Service? - realised that I have lost 5 kg since the last time i monitored my daily food intake! Alhamdullilah! More patient now - even after wheels of bike was stolen, Zaki vomitting late at night, etc. Allah give me strength. Negatives My needs not taken care of still puffi...