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Slippers Part Deux

Salam boys,
Finished solat and prepping bikes for morning cycle with your mom. One of 5 love language: Quality time. However, she's still sleeping though - heart is willing but body is weak. Gonna let her sleep some more.
Anyways, to continue with the theme on slippers, last night after Isya', my old, apek slippers went AWOL. I did a thorough search but it was in vain. In the past, I would have got really pissed and proceed with slipping onto any pair I see and trod off home BUT, I didn't do all that. Instead, I was calm and simply walked off barefooted. May the slippers serve its new owner well. Fortunately, the Ajit minimart was still opened and bought myself a new pair for $6.80. Interestingly, the salesgirl was a PRC lady. Her english was comprehensible though.
One thing I still can recall that was mentioned by the Ustadz during his talk prior to Isya' was the need for us to 'makmurkan rumah Allah, makmurkan Masjid'. Interesting, I remember filling in a volunteer form and personally handing it to the front office but have yet to receive any news. I'll probably need to drop them an email to offer my services - but what services. Besides photography, I would love to give free tuition to the many under-privileged Malay/muslim kids I see, especially from the 2 rental flats nearby our home. It'd be killing 2 birds with one stone - me helping them in their secular studies and they getting closer to Islam as lessons are conducted at the masjid! Now to just manage my time and plan this accordingly.


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