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Showing posts from 2013

Goodbye to a fellow friend.

Salam boys, Change is the only constant on life. I am having Iftar with Ms Faridah, my school TA, who is leaving the school for greener pastures to better provide for her family. May Allah bless her with bountiful rezeki and good health. Insha'allah!


Bismillah and Salam Boys, It has been a long time since I last wrote to you! Laziness? Maybe. Been busy. Most definitely. No excuses though as reflection is important to remind oneself of why we do what we do. All praise to Allah s.w.t as only he could've have made my marriage with your mom work out. Although grateful, but I'm skeptical that it is long-lasting. Not that I won't keep it together but should this matter be raised again in the future, I would part ways quietly and quickly and move to Perth. Why Perth? It is a beautiful place to raise you boys in! Anyways, praise be to Allah s.w.t once again as only he could've willed your mom to join us for 2 solat sessions at home with all of us. I hope that this is a start to more religious activities that we do as a family. Will write to you soon.