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Showing posts from September, 2008

ehem...err... he writes, eventually

Greetings netizens who are still up and scouring the information superhighway, in search of whatever that soothes your craving for information/entertainment! I am having a slight reprieve from the hustle and bustle, to say the least, of school term 3 that finally whizzed by...phew! I was bedridden the whole of last Sunday & Monday due to fever, flu and congested lungs. What a way to start the week long holiday, eh ;) Anyways, time for me to reflect on what I've been through this past term in my capacities (thank god there's a spell check function in this blog - just misspelled capacities and misspelled!) as Form teacher of 5 Joy (first and foremost) Science teacher of 4 Trust (my beloved lot) PE teacher (making touch rugby interesting) Infocomm Club Teacher (figuring out what's best for my CCA) I know men are naturally programmed to multi-task but am at the time of writing this, am checking through my bills, editing and tweaking IFC pbwikipage, configuring my just downl...